
Wooed by GOOGLE once again with "Fast Flip"

I have been wooed by GOOGLE once again with a shiny, new web application that lets me customize how and what news headlines I want to "flip" through!
What the flip is Fast Flip? GOOGLE's Fast Flip combines qualities of print and the Web, with the ability to "flip" through pages online as quickly as flipping through a magazine. It also enables users to follow friends and topics, discover new content and create their own custom magazines around searches.

What's the flippin' point? You can browse by topic, source, or author from many of the top news sources that you already are familiar with. GOOGLE partnered with select publishers, giving them an opportunity to introduce new readers to their content and provide another resource for ad revenue to be generated online. (You may be aware that there is a decline in print ad spending, since the whole world has gone digital.)