
Dollar General Steps into the Digital Coupon Game

I've been following what I call the "retail wars" for a while…and what I mean by that is the technology battles retailers are playing: from e-commerce sites, to email, to digital coupons, to social media, to apps, to customer relationship management tools, to data tracking and personalization of offers…..All of our favorite stores are in a war for our attention, and ultimately our shopper dollars.

Nashville's own Dollar General is reaching the savvy shopper with digital coupons via the Coupons.com platform. 

On July 31, 2014 Dollar General in partnership with Coupons.com completed the successful rollout of its new DG Digital Coupons program to its more than 11,300 stores across 40 states.

To use the DG Digital Coupon Program, customers can sign up either online or in stores using their phone number. After signing up, customers can select coupons to be added to their profile and the discounts are then applied to a customer’s purchase at checkout. No printing, no clipping, all digital!


It's a whole new world! My journey into Digital Marketing for a CPG Brand

It's a whole new world.
I've been saying that to myself for the past ten months...since I transitioned into a Digital Account position within a Shopper Marketing Agency, working on a CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) brand. For a long time, I've wanted to work on a national brand. I wanted to be on the cutting edge of digital within this space. So finding that opportunity in Nashville, where those opportunities are few and far between, was a dream come true!

What I learned the very first day, week, month, and going on year is that it's a whole new world from anything I've ever done in the past. I needed to learn about how products are manufactured, how they are sold, how budgets are set and managed for branding, media, and promotions as well as my client's business and marketing goals.

What a great opportunity to learn and grow! I learned it's not all about what you know. Sometimes, you have to start from the bottom to get to where you need to be. Even if you are super knowledgeable in one area (for me, social media and digital branding), there are other areas that I know zero about (for me, CPG and the wonderful world of consumer promotions, couponing, and retail marketing).